Our vision at Dakabin State School is to develop critical and creative learners who have access to the tools necessary for the 21st Century, whilst also valuing and engaging our learners into deep thinking, problem solving and solution focus real world activities that explore the array of possibilities not just what has been done before.
We believe in the importance of ensuring that students have access to the best learning opportunities available. This includes the access to technology and innovation and improved digital literacy.
According to the Australian Curriculum version 9, digital literacy encompasses the knowledge and skills students need to create, manage, communicate and investigate data, information and ideas, and solve problems. It assists students to work collaboratively at school and in their lives beyond school.
Digital literacy involves students critically identifying and appropriately selecting and using digital devices or systems, and learning to make the most of the technologies available to them. Students adapt to new ways of doing things as technologies evolve, and protect the safety of themselves and others in digital environments.
It is for these reasons that we are implementing a 1 to 1 iPad program at Dakabin SS for yrs 3 and up.
Enroll your Personal Device: Video for Parents
DSS BYO iPad Policy