Everything we do, think and feel
matters to the life of a child.
At Dakabin State School, we offer a school climate that puts students’ first and
pursues education excellence and inclusive practice by:
Dependable professional performance;
Creative problem solving conversations;
Individual and team performance and the celebration of achievements;
Collaborative teams/partnerships and learning from each other’s
Reflective inquiry to advance progress; and
Having an optimistic outlook on the future of education.
Dakabin State School was established in 1992 and is located on Sheaves Road, Kallangur on the north outskirts of the “old” Pine Shire. Parks, sports clubs, soccer fields, shopping centre, and Dakabin State High School are in close proximity to the school.
Dakabin State School continues to be the centre of great educational opportunities for the children of the local suburbs. The school has modern facilities and is set in a spacious and attractive environment. We continue to upgrade and enhance our facilities whenever possible.
The school prides itself on the motto “together we achieve” and we work hard to ensure that the community has the opportunity to participate in and celebrate the learning journeys of the children.
At Dakabin, a wide range of curriculum and extra-curricular activities are offered. We encourage students to participate, demonstrate sound work and behaviour ethics and to enjoy school life. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to become involved to individual comfort levels, whether it be as a classroom volunteer or a P&C member.