On Wednesday 15th May 2024, students from Prep to year 6 went to the hall and watched Camp Quality’s Cancer Education Program. This was a fun and interactive puppet performance that focused on telling the broader cancer story, including how to support someone who is facing their own cancer diagnosis or that of a loved one. Prep, year 1 and year 2 students listened to the show “The Big Party” and the year 3-6 students listened to the show “The Big Score”. Alex and Matt told these stories in an age-appropriate and sensitive way that our DSS community better understand cancer and cleared up misconceptions that some children may have.
We have children and families impacted by cancer in our school community. After the show, Scarlett in Prep B was able to share her journey battling leukaemia, with her peers and teachers. With her Mum at her side Scarlett confidently spoke of her experiences and answered her peers’ questions. We are so proud of you, Scarlett.
If you would like any further resources to support you, Camp Quality understands that cancer affects every area of life, so their online resources connect kids and families to support – anywhere, anytime. You can access these on https://www.campquality.org.au/resources External link