
Year 4 Waste Management Excursion


On the 30th of October, year 4 visited the Dakabin Waste Management Facility to extend their learning on sustainability.

This semester in HASS, we are learning about sustainability and how we can better manage our waste at school, as well as at home. We have investigated ideas and came up with solutions to better dispose of our waste, this includes putting the waste in the correct bins.

Maggie from the Dakabin Waste Management Facility came to talk to the student about the impacts of waste, what a landfill is used for, and showed us how to determine which waste belongs in each bin.

Year 4 then travelled to view the facility to get a first hand look at the different areas of the dump and even watched a truck dump waste on top of the landfill!

Their favourite part was definitely the mattress shredder and learning about how they separate the foam and the springs to be able to reuse resources.

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Last reviewed 09 November 2023
Last updated 09 November 2023